Éanéotse She gave birth.
Éanétáno She is in labor.
Ééšeameohtse. He/She is walking now.
Ééšeamevonehne. He/She is crawling now.
Éhe'kóóva He is wet.
Éhestáotse He was born.
Éhóheehe He is wrapped.
hóhkėha'e cradleboard (softbacked with hood)
Ého'sȧhtsenáóhtse He is drooling.
Éhóse'e She is pregnant.
mé'ėševȯtse baby; mé'ėševoto babies
nėhpe'ėhestȯtse diaper
Énene He is nursing/sucking.
Éno'konēne He has one tooth.
Nétȧhéno'óe'tovȧhema Let's go hold the baby!
pȧhoešestȯtse cradleboard (hardbacked)
Épáo'óomóho She is carrying him on her back with a blanket.
Étoenova She delivered; she midwifed (the baby; literally, She held).
Étónėstȯheéše'hama How many months old is he? (Also can mean 'How many months along (in her pregnancy) is she?')
vée'ėse tooth; véesȯtse teeth
Éhevéesāne He's teething.