ame pemmican
amėške grease
aenohe hawk
mahpe water
mȧhpeva in the water
nȧhtotse my pet
tȧhpeno flute
hestahke twin
hestaa'e branch
he'eemȧtse Blow your nose!
nemehotȧtse I love you.
etȧhpeta He's big.
kȧsovaahe young man
kȧse'eehe young woman
paa'e ashes
emaa'e He's barking.
ea'xaame He's crying.
ehane our father
estse'he shirt, coat
eše'he sun, clock
he'e woman
he'pėstse ribs
vetšėške fat
nėhpe'ėhestôtse diaper
enee'e He's standing.
evee'e He's camping.
hese fly
he'eo'o women
henova'e What?
hohpe soup
hahkota grasshopper
hatseške ant
hotohke star
mahpe water
evohko It's bent.
enomahtse He stole.
he'ehesono rice
ehohta'hane He's telling a story.
kosa goat
nahkohe bear
ka'ėškone child
ka'emestôtse purse
kahkėse near
kohkonȯheo'o bread
Hard K sound:
kȧhamaxe stick
ekȧhaneotse He's tired.
vohkėheva'sehe scorpion
nahkȯheo'o bears
o'kȯhome coyote
va'kȯheaso prairie chicken
hestȧhkėha'eo'o girl twins
ane'kȯhemo'hestȯtse fork
' (glottal stop)
With glottal: Without glottal:
he'ama up heama on the side
nahko'e Mother! nahkohe bear
he'e liver hee Oh?!
he'e'hame mares heehame her husband
ma'estoo'o pillow maestoo'o throat
ma'ome ice emaome sweatlodge
eho'esta He whooped. ehoesta He read it.
eho'ehne He came.
ehoehne He went out.
eše'šeotse He woke up.
ešešeotse It came loose.
eho'xeotse He got used to it.
ehoxeotse It got rotten.
evo'neotse It dawned.
evoneotse It disappeared.
nėhe'še then
nėhešeha Tell that to him!
ve'ho'e whiteman
eveho'e He sang praise.
matana milk
Ma'heo'o God
mahpe water
mȧhpeva in the water
me'ko head
mee'e feather
mȯxe'ėstoo'o book, paper
mohe Really?!
mo'eško finger, ring
ame pemmican
eamemeohe He's running along.
mȧhta'sooma shadow
Hard M sound:
mȧheo'o house
mȯhenėšemo ladybug, playing card
eemȯhone He's hunting.
mȧhtamȧhaahe old lady
amȧho'hestȯtse car
nahkohe bear
naa and
notse non-Cheyenne Indian
netse eagle
enohoneo'o There are 5 of them.
menȯtse berries
nėhpe'ėhestȯtse diaper
Hard N sound:
oonȧha'e frog
enȧhahkahe He's energetic.
nanȧha'ena I caught it.
enȧheno pudding, gravy
evenȧheškose He's selfish.
nėhe'še then
neve'nėheševe Don't do that!
kohkonȯheo'o bread
epo'ponȯhene He's drumming.
okohke crow
okȯhkeo'o crows
Ooetane Crow (Indian)
Onone Ree
homa'e beaver
hooma blanket, mosquito
menȯtse berries
mȯxe'ėstoo'o book, paper
tȯhkomo few
eo'ȯhto'eetahe He made a mistake.
Hamėstoo'ėstse! Sit down!
ehoo'e He's here.
etonėstȯxeo'o How many are there?
poeso cat
pe'e nighthawk
pa'e'pa'onahe camel
po'po'ėhovahtȯtse motorcycle
he'pohtȯtse cigarette
epo'ėho'he He got a flat tire.
epo'o It's gray.
vohpoma'ȯhtse salt
pȧhpononeehehe tapeworm
Hard P sound:
epėheva'e It's good.
Pȧhaveameohtse Walks Nice
pȧhoešestȯtse cradleboard
epo'ponȯhene He's drumming.
epȧhoeotse He was photographed.
semo boat
ehomose She's cooking.
seohaseo'o rug
seavoneške woodchuck
sehpato'ȯheo'o safety pin, tepee pin
So'taa'e Sutai person
setove in the middle
esaapėheva'ehane It's not good.
nesohpeotsėhaene He brought us through.
še'še duck
eše'he sun, clock
eoveše He went to bed.
nėhe'še then
motšėške knife
vetšėške fat
šeešestȯtse bed
še'šenovȯtse snake
meškeso bug
enešeo'o There are two of them.
taxeto on top
hetane man
tosa'e Where?
setove in the middle
taa'eva at night
etahoo'e He's riding.
eota'tavo It's blue.
ta'se like
ta'ta'ȯheo'o key
Hard T sound:
Tȧheovešėstse! Go to bed!
tȯhohko hammer
Tsetsėhestȧhese Cheyennes (Tsitsistas)
tȯhe'kėsaeve'ho'e cowboy
vee'e tepee
vetšėške fat
ve'evėšestoto'e cedar
ve'keemahpe sugar
va'ȯhtama Welcome!
vo'ėstane person
vohpoma'ȯhtse salt
evo'komo It's white.
navoomo I see him.
voaxaa'e bald eagle
hova animal
neva 4 times
amovȯhto'hestȯtse pickup truck
Hard V sound:
vȯhe'so nest
eamevȧho'ta It's running.
eevȧho'ehne He walked back.
eevȯhone He's signing.
Heevȧhetaneo'o Oklahoma Cheyennes
evevȯheotse He broke camp.
xao'o skunk
eovaxe He dreamed.
nexa twice
nexahe my grandchild
taxe'seestȯtse chair
xamaevo'ėstane Indian
ea'xaame He's crying.
naa'xaoto I shook his hand.
eoo'xoemȧhane He's chopping wood.
hoxeono socks
noxa'e Wait!
ehoo'xeva He's announcing.
hoxomeha Feed him!
voaxaa'e bald eagle
ehoxe'o It's clean.
xa'xanohtȯtse Chew it!