Cheyenne Scripture

Here are passages of Cheyenne Scripture with literal interlinear English translation. We will add other parts of Cheyenne Scripture as we further develop the Cheyenne pages at this site, so please come back again.

Psalm 23

1. Ma'heo'o, néhekôsaehetanéme'tovâtse naa 
   God,      you are my sheep-man      and 

néohkeameonó'eotseše.              Násáa'o'hémetanóhe hová'êhéstónêhéva.
you guide me along in correctness. I am not lacking   in anything.

2. Néohkêhosotómêšeme tséxhoxo'ôhtsévo'o'e.        Néohkêho'eotseše 
   You rest me        where there is green growth. You bring me

to where there is calm water.

3. Néohkeévâhetótaetanó'seše.  Néohkeameotseše 
   You re-gladden me.          You lead me along  

xanoveméónéva         tséheševéstomeveto.
on the straight path  as you have promised me.

4. Héva hó'nêšêsóhpêhné'tómo  tséhnêhpea'enó'néto 
   Even though I walk through where it is totally dark 

nâhtsêsaa'e'tóhtâhéhe tséhvé'amevé'ôhtsémeto.       Néhótooma'ove.
I will not be afraid  because you go along with me. You shield me.

5. Némó'oxe               hénêhéóhe tsésto'semâhevóohtomévôse 
   You invite me to feast there     where they are all going to see it, 

tsénêsétama'ese. "Vá'ôhtáma," néheše.      Naa néno'pévená'so'enoxe.
my enemies.      "Welcome,"   you tell me. And you fill me up good.

6. Tsétâhe'éševo'êstanéhévéto nêstseméhoxe.      Naa a'eneto 
   As long as I'm living      you will love me.  And forever

I will live with you.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Mâhene'étamêstse     Ma'heo'o.  Névé'taomeametano. 
Completely depend on God.       Do not go along with your own thinking.

Amemé'etanó'tovoo'o      netao'o    tséévêhešéveto naa 
Always remember him (in) everything that you do    and 

he'll guide you along well.

The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9b-13)

(modern Cheyenne version)

9) Ma'heo'o Tsehehe'tovatsemenoto     tsehestoestoveto
   God      the one who is our father who is         

 he'amo'omee'e,    momoxeono'atamaneto.
 in above-realm,   I wish for you to be respected.

10) Néhvéhonoo'êstse.    Momoxeaahtoneto                  hetseno 
    (Come) Sit as chief! I wish for you to be listened to here 

ho'eva   hapo'e   tsehešeaahtoneto       henêheohe he'amo'omee'e. 
on earth likewise as you are listened to there in  above-realm.

11) Hetsetseha ešeeva nexhoxomemeno.
    Today             feed us.

12) Vonetano'tôtse  nâhtavêsevo'eetâhestonanotse hapo'e     
    Forget about    our bad-doings               likewise 

tseohkêheševonetano'tomovotse vo'êstaneo'o tsehavêsevo'eehaetsee'e.
as we forget about them       people       what they do bad to us.

13) Néxhoonéstanó'tovemeno vonôhóha'óvâhtséstóva.
    Restrain us from       temptation.

Naa tsehma'heóneveto névéhonoo'e,       nehohaatamaahe,        naa 
And since you are God you sit as chief, you are very powerful, and 

nevo'ho'êho'hevatamaahe      hetsetseha naa a'ene'xoveva. 
you have a lighted character now        and forever.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

4. Méhosanestôtse éohkevé'šeoéhnovâhéstove, éohkevé'šêhoto'âhéstove naa 
   Love           makes you patient,        makes you kind          and 

máto éohkêsáavé'šee'hanósetanóhtovêhane, éohkêsáavé'šêháo'ótâhtséstovêhane, 
also it does not make you envious,       does not make you brag,  

naa máto éohkêsáavé'šeno'kêháatamâhtséstovêhane.
and also does not make you selfish/think only about yourself.

5. Méhosanestôtse évé'šepévoéstomó'hestove, ésáano'ketanóhtovêhane, 
   Love           makes you a nice person,  not selfish, 

éohkêsáahetósemé'emo'eehaehe tséhešêhávêsévo'eese.
isn't bothered by            how one is treated.

6. Onó'etanóhtovee'êstse évé'šepévomóhtâhéstove.
   Thinking righteously  makes you feel good.

7. Méhosanestôtse éohkevé'šeó'tôsétanóhtove,     naa máto 
   Love           makes you want to keep trying, and also 

éohketó'nêšeamene'étaméstove Ma'heo'o.
keeps you depending on       God.

8a. Eohkêsáavé'šenéhnetametanóhtovêhane.
    It doesn't make you want to give up.

Galatians 5:22-23b

By means of the Holy Spirit 

	there is love, 

	there is rejoicing, 

	there is shaking hands with each other again (=reconciliation), 

	there is patience,

	éhoto'âhéstove, naa 
	there is kindness, and 

	there is good character, 

	there is honest thinking, 

	éována'xaetanóhtove, naa 
	there is calm thinking, and 

	there is knowing how to stop oneself.

The Lord's Prayer (Our Father)

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