Native American languages
General language and linguistics resources
Anthropological Linguistics
The Ethnologue: Languages of the World
Frequently asked questions about linguistics
International Channel Language Sites
Is English deteriorating?
Jennifer's language page
(words in many languages, including Cheyenne)
Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America
Language & Language Family Information
Language & Translation Dictionary Center
The Language Hub
Language of the Week
Languages & Linguistics
Lexicon of Linguistics
LING 101: Introduction to Linguistics
Linguistic Exploration
The Linguistic Olympics are Here!
Linguistic Society of America
Linguistics programs directory
Numbers from 1 to 10 in Over 2000 Languages
(including Cheyenne)
Personal Pages of Linguists
Summer Institute of Linguistics
Universal Survey of Languages
University Linguistics Departments, Programs and Centers
USMARC Code List for Languages: Contents
A Web of On-line Dictionaries
What is Linguistics? (and other questions...)
Wojcik's Linguistic Resources in the World Wide Web
The World of Language
Language learning
Center for the Advancement of Language Learning
Language Learning as Compression
Language and Learning Awareness
Language Learning Bookshelf
Language Learning links
Language Media Center
Computer resources
Corpus Linguistics
Ecological Linguistics
Ergo Linguistic Technologies
Everson Gunn Teoranta
Foundation for Indigenous languages
Index of /~archive/linguistics/software/dos
Intertribal Net
ISO 639 and IETF 1766 Standardised Language Codes
Lesser-Used Languages Software Developers' Association
Language Interative: A Trailguide to Creating Dynamic Web Pages
Linguistics Resources: Computing
Linguist's Software fonts languages
Software - Linguistics
Yamada Non-English Font Archive
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