Away In a Manger

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1. Moššeešenȧhehė hoxomȯho'hamestovȧ,
    He was lying in a manger,

Jesus nevo'ėstanevėstomanehamanė.
Jesus, our Savior.

Ho'nėšėhao'omeneestsė evehonatamaahė.
Even though he was poor, he looked like a chief.

Venamasetsėstova, asenoota.
Welcome him, sing an honor song to him.

2. Nehve'ȯhtsemeo'ȯ ho'nėšėhotoanatȯ.
    Go along with me even though it is difficult.

Nehmehoxeo'o nėhestoha ešeevȧ.
Love me every day.

Vovohnėhešeha netao'ȯ ka'ėškonė.
Take care of every child.

We will live with you forever.