Protruding Teeth teeth.htm

Protruding Teeth

by Ted Risingsun

     naa tsé'tóhe náto'sėhósėhósémo hotoo Vó'honenéhe móxheševéhehéhe //.  
And I'm gonna tell (another story, this one) about Protruding Teeth, that

éohkėhestóhe néhe hóhta'heo'o Vó'honenéhe //.
was his name. This story is called Vo'honenehe.

tsé'tóhe Vó'honenéhe móx-hetoo-hestovootsėhéhe ho'e //. naa
This Vo'honenehe had the earth for his ears. And

tséstavé'nėhešėhestovootsėse /, netao'o hová'éhe mó'ȯhtšemâhenéstȯhéhe //.
because he had the earth for his ears, he heard everything.

mó'ȯhkeéšeáahtse'mâhehéne'enȯhéhe tósa'e ȯhtséetóneto'emanéstovetsee'ėstse / naa
He would already know everything wherever plans were being made, and

mó'ȯhkė-hetoo-éšeáahtse'héne'enȯhéhe heva kȧsováahe ȯhto'sė-hoto-asėta'évasėstse
he would already know whenever a young man was going to take a wife.

//. ȯhtaéxo'emanéstovetsee'ėstse nėhéóhe ȯhto'sė-hotoo-, "nėhe'xóvéva
When plans had been made there, "At a certain time

nȧhtsenėxho'ēhne naa, naa néxhóva'xeo'o naa nėstaasenéšeohtsémáne,"
I will come and, and we will both leave together,"

ȯhtaévėheto'emanéstovetsee'ėstse héne mó'ȯhkeéšeáahtse'eóovėhéne'enȯhéhe //.
all the plans that were made he would already know all about it.

"nėhe'xóvéva nȧhtȧho'ēhne, nȧhtȧhósė-," móstaohkeéšeáahtse'vovóeho'eohehéhe
"I'll be there at a certain time, I'll ___," (Vo') would arrive there first

nėhéóhe ȯhtaéxo'emanéstovetsee'ėstse //. né-kȧse'ééhe
wherever those plans had been made. Whenever that girl

móhne'ȯhkeosáanėhóovėhóva'xėhéhe // é'ȯhkeamóeóehoo'o é'ȯhtšėhóvo'eóehoo'o //
came out (unsuspecting) he'd be standing there with his blanket on (wrapped

ȯhné'éšėhóva'xétsesėstse éstaohtšease- -aseohtséhoo'o éhne'ȯhtšeasėhó'e'óehoono
around). After they would come out he would start to leave and then she would

néhe néhe kȧse'éeheho // tséméhae-ta'e-éxo'emanevȯse nėhe'xóvéva
follow him, this girl as they had planned she would follow him at that time

éstaohkenóonétsé'asėhó'e'ovóhoono éstaohkema'xeaseohtséhohoono héovaestse
(assuming that was her boyfriend). He would take her way out, they would

éstaohkėhetósėheševovóhkeohtséhehoono //. né-kȧse'éeheho ta'se
meander all over. After the girl

ȯhtaéševoneotsétsesėstse no'ka taa'eva mó'ȯhtšeameohtséhohevóhe //.
had gotten lost he would travel all night with her.

naa nėhe'še hánȧháóhe tósa'e hákó'e vó'héé'ėse móx-hoto-
And then somewhere way out away from (camp) he

móhno'no'késtanovėhéhe nėhéóhe móx-hoto- móstaohkėho'eohtséhohevóhe
lived alone, there is where he would take

né-kȧse'éeheho //. tsétanėhešeaseohtséhose (mós)taohkeno'aseohéhenotóhe //.
the girl. Those that he took he would run away with them.

nėhe'še hánȧháóhe ȯhtaéšėho'eohtséhosėstse mó'ȯhtšeémananėhéhe
Then after he got them over there he would make a sweatlodge,

mó'ȯhtše-émaome-manėstsėhéhe mó'ȯhtše-hénėhéóhe-éseotsėhohevóhe mó'ȯhtše-
he would make a sweatlodge. He would take them in there and

tȧháóhe hotómá'e nėhéóhe móstaohtšėhotse'óhe'tovȯhevóhe móstaohketsėhetȧsȯhevóhe
there inside (the sweatlodge) he would work on them, he would cut them

tsėhéóhe hestseneva móstaohke-nėhetȧsȯhevóhe hápó'e tséheševó'honēnėse, tahta
here by their mouth, he would cut them just like he had protruding teeth,

hevéesȯtse éohkėxaetšėšetšėhešeóetsénėsestȯtse móstaohkenėheše-
their teeth would protrude out into the open. He would

-nėhešepo'ėxomóvȯhenovóhe -po'ėxomóvȯhéhe hestse néhe tséhetoo-
cut them, (correction) cut them like that on their mouth, those

tsétȧho'eotsėhose kȧse'éeheho ___ móstaohkevésevó'honenėhevóhe //. naa
that he had brought, the girls, so they likewise all had protruding teeth. And

ȯhtaéšenėheše- ȯhtavé'nėhešė-hotoo- hotoo- ȯhvé'nėhešé'tovosėstse
after, after, after he would do that to them

móstaohkenópa-nonóhpa-hetoo-évae'sėtsėhe'ȯhtsėhevóhe mó'ȯhketanéhehevóhe heva
it would cause them to be afraid of going back (home), they were ashamed so

nėhéóhe móstaohkenėševése-hetoo-véstoemaehevóhe //.
they just stayed there and became his wives.

nėhe'še no'ka móxhósė-hetoo--néstovȯhevóhe kȧse'éehe naa kȧsováahe
Then once he again heard a girl and young man,

móstȧhóseéxo'emanėhevóhe //.
they were making plans.

"nėhe'xóvéva nȧhtsenėxho'ēhne," naa móstaéšėhósėtšėhešeéxo'emanėhevóhe //
"I'll come at a certain time," and so they made their plans.

móstaéšeáahtse'hósevovóeho'eohehéhe //. né-kȧse'éehe móhnėxhóovėhóehnėhéhe //
(Vo') already arrived first there again. The girl came out (unsuspecting),

-hóva'xėhéhe mó'ȯhtše- // -aseohtséhohevóhe //.
came out, he took her away.

(és)taosáanėhósetšėše-hákó'e-taa'eva-ta'ta'vóoneohtséhoono // nȧháóhe ta'e
they went far away at night, went all night until

tsé'éševó'netotse. éhnėx- évȧhato- éstanéeotséhoo'o éhnėx- vé'hoeotsé'toe-
daybreak. (The girl) stopped, he turned around and looked at her-,

hotȧhtse éstamónėhéne'enánoho tséhešėsáanéehóvėhetsėse
then (she) finally figured out that he wasn't the one

né-tséto'seméhaeasevé'ȯhtsémose //.
that she was supposed to go away ("elope") with.

naa éme'-táaxa'e-tónėšévesėstse móstaéše-ta'se-voneotsėhéhe,
And what could she do? (Like) she was already lost,

móxho'nótaévȧhéne'ēno tósa'e tséhnėstó'tae- tséhnėxhéseaseohtsevȯse //.
she did not knoow just where they had started from.

"néháeanahe hotoo?" éxhetaehoono. naa tséohkėhešėháeanáhtove // hotóao'o
"Are you hungry?" he said to her. And you know you get hungry. There

éhnéehoono /. hetamȯheo'o éstȧ-heseváená(nȯse) / hetamȯheono éstȧheseváenóhoono
were buffaloes. He took his club (inan.), he took his club (an.),

éstavá'nenamȯhóovóhoono néhe. hotóa'e, hotóa'e éstapoo'ėšenáhoo'o //.
he just made a motion (feinted a clubbing). A buffalo, a buffalo dropped (dead).

éstatsėhe'oohéhoo'o éstaanetóhoono éhnėx- hotoo- ta'maa he'e naa hestsétato
He went over there. He butchered it. He-- The liver and kidney(s)

éstapo'evo'ȧsóhoono éstapo'evo'ȧxánoho hetoo na'ėstse mȧhtše'ko éstaoevénánoho,
he cut them (an.) off, he cut off one leg. He skinned it,

éstaé'homó'hehoono /. (és)tamétseváenónoho né-kȧse'éeheho tséháeanátsese /.
they ate the marrow. He gave it to (?) the girl who was hungry.

ma'eva éstavé'šenėše'hanánoho héne hósėstse tséto'semésévȯse //.
He washed what they were going to eat in blood.

__taosáanemá'semésehe- "nómȯheto! -aseohtséhoono ta'mȧhove'še hánȧháóhe
They got through eating. "Let's go!" They left and he finally

móstȧho'eohtséhohevóhe //.
got her over there.

naa tse'to-kȧsováahe móx-heto-mónėho'ėhnėhéhe naa tséssáa-hotoo- ta'se
And this young man (boyfriend) came and when she didn't--, like

móxhoháeoné'seómeméhtȯhevóhe né-tséto'sevéseméhae- tséto'sevéstoemose //. naa
he really loved this one who he was going to marry. And

hápó'e héva éxhéne'enȯhéhe tséheše-ta'sė-hohaeméhotaa'ėse // naa
he probably knew that she really loved him too. And

móxho'nóvese-ta'se-ée- móxho'nó-ta'se-néhnetameotsėstse /. heva
like he didn't give up. Like

móstao'sėhéne'enovȯhevóhe tósa'e tséxheše-hetoo- hénová'étse
he wanted to find out-- "Just why

tséhésėsáa-hotoo-hóva'xe- (correction) (tséhésėsáa)hóehétoo'e'óe'éése heva
didn't she come out to meet me?" he perhaps

é'évėhešėtanȯhéhe //. tsé'éševóona'otse tsé'amėhohtsevȯse éstaasėtȯhohtséhoono
was wondering. In the morning their tracks led away,

/ éssé'hove- a'e nėhéóhe éstanéxanȯhoonȯtse tséamėhohtsese vo'ėstaneo'o //.
suddenly close there there were two people's tracks.

éssé'hovenéše- -néšeamėhohtséhoono nevá'ėsesto / nee hotȧhtse néhe
Suddenly there were two sets of tracks of somebodies, and here, it was

né-tséto'seméhaeho'nó'otsėhose kȧse'éeheho tséto'sevéstoemose naa na'ėstse
the (girl) he was going to go after (=marry), goint to marry and another

nevá'esėstse é'amėhohtséhoo'o. móstaasenomé'otȯhevóhe //.
somebody else, his tracks went along. He started tracking them.

(mós)tato'sėhéne'enȯhéhe hénová'étse táaxa'e tséhešė-heto- mó'évėhešėtanȯhéhe
He was wondering what was going on in the tracking,

naa móstanomé'otȯhevóhe //.
and thus he tracked them.

hotȧhtse hánȧháóhe éstȧho'nomé'otȯhoono né-tséhoo'ėse né-Vó'honenéhe //.
Here, he tracked them to where Vo'honenehe lived.

vétséno mó'éšėhóseéxanenėhéhe //. móx-hotoo- émaome móstaéšėhóseéxanȯhéhe /
About that time (Vo') had everything ready again. He had his sweatlodge all

nėhéóhe hotómá'e móstaéšė-hoto- (móstéšė)hoehéhe néhe Vó'honenéhe //. naa anóse
ready again, he was there inside there, this Vo'honenehe. And the

éxhoéhoo'o néhe énȯhoomaéhoo'o né-kȧse'éehe /. mósto'sėhósetsėhetȧsȯhevóhe //.
girl was outside, she had her blanket on. He was going to cut her too.

nėhe'še, naa né-móstaéšė-hoto-ho'hohtamȯhevóhe / (és)tamé'oešenáhoo'o,
Then, and this (young man) had caught up to them, he was lying down peeking

táaxa'e náme'tatónėše- náme'tatónėše-hetoo-éva-hotoo-héseváenosėstse?"
over the hill, "How can I--? How can I get her back?"

móxhesétamȯhevóhe néhe né-tse- né-kȧse'éeheho tséméhotose // "táaxa'e
he was wondering about the girl that he loved. "How

náme'ne'éva-tónėše- tsėhéóhe móxhešėtanȯhéhe.
can I-- here?" he wondered.

mo'ē'ha éhmé'eóešenasėstse, "táaxa'e nátatsėhe'óohe nátaonésė-hotoo-,"
A magpie alighted, "Let's see, let me go, let me try--,"

móxhehéhe //.
he said.

"nómonėhé'še," éxheto- éstaosáanetšėheše'háoohéhoo'o / mo'ē'ha //
"Go ahead!" he (said to him?). The magpie flew over there.

(móhnėx)hóhneeméšėhaehevóhe néhe Vó'honenéheho //. "taasėstse! óxėse
Vo'honenehe already caught on to his trick. "Go away! Go somewhere

taéetsėhe'ohtsėstse!" éhnėxhetaehoono //. ___ turn it off. (click)
else!" he told him. (Turn it (tape recorder) off. CLICK)

nėhe'še tséhne'éšeévaase'háooese néhe / mo'ē'ha //, tséstȧhótšéšėse.
Then after the magpie flew away, he (magpie) did not succeed.

nėhe'še ó'kȯhóme éxhóse-, "nátatsėhe'óohe náta-hetoo- náne-
Then a coyote again-, "Let me go, let me-,

nátȧhósė-héonésto'eétahe. hápó'e nȧhtsene'onéseévȧhéaseohé'tóvo."
let me go try. Let me go try and see if I can bring her back."

(és)taosáanėhóseéetsėhe- -ho'matóneohtséhoo'o né-'-ó'kȯhóme /.
He went over there, -sniffing around, this coyote.

éxhóseméšėhaehoono, óxėse taéetsėhe'ohtsėstse! tsėhéóhe nénėhvé'éetsėhe'ohtse!"
(Vo') caught on to him too, "Go somewhere else! Don't come over here!"

/ éhnėxhósėhetaehoono //. éo'ȯhkevéhaevóhoono //. (éh)ne'évȧhósease-
he told him. (Vo') would call them (?) by name. (Vo') chased

-asevó'e'óehoono /.
him away.

nėhe'še mós-ta'se-xaeóetsétanóotsėhéhe, né-kȧsováahe, "táaxa'e
Then like the young man was troubled, "Let's see,

how can I-?"

nėhe'še éstsema'e éhnėsáanėhósėho'eohéhoo'o, "náta- náne'évȧhéeseváéno néhe
Then a gopher arrived, "Let me-, go get her,

náne'évȧ-hotoo-nó'oohé'tóvo," éxheto- / "ȧhtóno'e nȧhtaamótáne," éxhesėstse //.
I'll go bring her back," he (said to him?). "I'll dig underground," he said.

mónáme'hévooma," éxhe(sėstse).
"He won't see me," he said.

"nómonėhe'še." éstaosáanease-ȧhtóno'e-amótanéhoo'o //. nėhéóhe
"Go ahead." He started digging underground. Right where

tséstaehoetsėse nėhéóhe móstataeho'ótanėhéhe móhnėxhėseváenȯhevóhe móhne'évȧ-
she was sitting he dug right to there, he got her, he brought

évȧho'eohé'tovóhoono nėhéóhe / né-kȧsováahe tséx-hetoo-tonóomaevȯse //.
her right over there to where the young man was waiting for them.

naa tsé'tóhe Vó'honenéhe móstaéšeéxanenėhéhe. // nómonėhe'še!
And this Vo'honenehe was all ready, "Let's go!

vénahééstséhnėstse náéšeéxanēne!" (és)tȧhóehéhoo'o // oóxésta
Come on in, I am ready!" he called out from (inside). (Her)

éxhešėtsėhetoéhoono / hóema nėhéóhe tséto- (és)taévȧhósėhóe'é'koeotséhoo'o.
blanket was just sitting up there. He peeked out again.

"'náéšeéxanēne!' náheve. néssá'nén- néssá'hééstséhnėstse!" oóxésta éxheše- //.
"'I'm ready', I said. Come on in!" It (blanket) just kept (standing).

nėhe'še éstamomáta'eotséhoo'o, éstȧ-heto- // "éaa! 'náéšeéxanēne!'
Then he got angry, Oh my, 'I'm ready',

náheve. néhnėševēhnėstse!" éstȧhóeoháeta'óhoo'o éstatsėhe'óohéhoo'o,
I said. Hurry up and come! He got up and came out. He went over there,

éstamȧsó-tsėheta'hamóhoono néhe tséto- hoemaho ///.
he started jerking that (?) blanket.

hotȧhtse éxhováneehéhoono //, tsé'tóhe éstsema'e
Here, she was gone, this gopher

móstaéšeévaaseohé'tovȯhevóhe //. ho'___(?) (éh)momáta'eotséhoo'o //. naa
had already taken her back. He became very angry. And his (Vo''s) club had

móh-ma'heónevėhéhe // hetamȯheono. "naa tósa'e tse'hasevȯtse."
power. "Woe unto you!" (Vo' told the club to go after them in anger.)

-ame'háoohéhoo'o éstaase'háoohéhoo'o é'ȯhkeonéma'o'e'háoohéhoo'o /
(Vo') flew (with the sacred club), he started flying, he flew after them in

(mós)to'senȯhtséoohé'toehevovóhe tsé'amėhohtsevȯse //.
in lateral circles, he was going to go search for them where their tracks were.

naa nėhéóhe héne mato nátȧsáa'évȧhéne'enóhe tséhešé'tóvȯse /, tsé'tóhe
And here this also I don't know (remember) what this

kȧsováahe tsétȧheše- mótatónėšė-hetoo-hó'tȧhnȯhevóhe /
young man did to him (to win), he somehow beat him,

tȧhetoo-ta'se-vonanȯhevóhe //.
he somehow did away with him.

tséstaéšenėheševonanȯse né-móxhoto-né-kȧse'éeheho nėhéóhe
After he did away with him there were

mó'éšėta'hoháestȯxėhevóhe móhma'xemȧhehoehevóhe /, éhmȧhevó'honenésesto //.
many young women there, they were all there, they all had protruding teeth.

naa nėhe'še hápó'e mó'évaévana- -émanaovȯhevóhe /. naa nėhéóhe
And then likewise (this young man) made a sweatlodge, he made a sweatlodge

(mó')évaéseotsėhohevóhe // (éh) ne'ȯhkeévȧhóe-hotoo- tséméhaehetȧhtsenávȯse
for them. And he took them in there. They would come out like they were (on

nesta é'ȯhkeévanėhestáhoono, é'ȯhkėsáa'évavó'honenéhehoono //.
the mouth?) before, previously they would be that way, they did not have

(éh)ne'évamȧheaseohtséhohoono //.
protruding teeth anymore. He brought them all back from there.

naa né-máto étanėhe'ėstóséše //.
And that is the ending of this (story) also.

Mr. Risingsun recorded this story in 1986.

The slashes (/) mark pauses. // would be a longer pause than /.

This text was first published in Náévȧhóo'ȯhtséme / We are going back home: Cheyenne history and stories told by James Shoulderblade and others, edited by Wayne Leman. Memoir 4. Winnipeg: Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics. Copyright 1987. Used by permission.

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